Drone support for environmental studies

As one of the only certified Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) pilots on campus, I help other SSU researchers in drone imaging to the study of various landscape evolution and ecological response projects. I have aided Jackie Guilford in documenting the regrowth of Ludwigia in the Laguna de Santa Rosa and Kathleen Funke-Spicher with landslide erosion at Fairfield Osborn Preserve. In addition, I have used this UAS with my research students to gather imagery of geologic outcrops to aid in their interpretation. We will also use this UAS for rapid response to any future flood events within the Copeland Creek watershed. Sedimentary Geology (GEOL312) uses the UAS on our field trips to better understand and document erosion risks along the Sonoma Coast. Additionally, I have worked with the Sonoma County Water Agency, the Cotati Fire Department and the SSU preserves to provide imagery that helps in decision making for Copeland Creek during flood events. I have also helped the SSU police department take imagery of at risk areas on campus for undocumented housing near Copeland creek. In the future, I intend to help other researchers at SSU, the SSU preserves, the broader SSU community, and the Sonoma county community to help when an aerial perspective is needed. 


Project Results
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UAS (drone) imaging poster E-mail anfinson@sonoma.edu ~~