Galbreath Cultural Resource Plan

Galbreath Cultural Resource Plan

Project Date
2011 to 2013






Project Topics


The purpose of this Master's Thesis is to provide: (1) an overview of the history, ethnography and prehistory of the Preserve and its general surroundings; (2) the methods and results of several archaeological investigations taking place within the Preserve and the documentation of the cultural resources discovered during those investigations; (3) the regulatory context for all activities that constitute a project under CEQA and PRC, as well as the environmental process required for addressing resources within a project area; and (4) recommendations for avoiding or minimizing impacts to those resources.


Project Results
Title Format Download Students
Education, Preservation and Stewardship: A Cultural Resources Management Plan for the Galbreath Wildlands Preserve, Mendocino County, California report Stacey Zolnoski