The Great Backyard Bird Count

Galbreath Wildlands Preserve
10:00 am
– 1:00 pm
Join the world in connecting to birds through the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s annual Great Backyard Bird Count. For this count, the backyard is in Yorkville, Mendocino County at the Galbreath Wildlands Preserve. This day is part of a four-day (February 14-17) worldwide count to collect data as part of an extensive community science effort.
Margot Mailliard Rawlins, Program Coordinator at the SSU Center for Environmental Inquiry’s Galbreath Wildlands Preserve, has been birding in Mendocino County for over twenty years and will be leading her 12th Great Backyard Bird Count!
Each February, for four days, the world comes together for the love of birds. Over these four days, Cornell Lab, National Audubon Society, and Birds Canada invite people to spend time in some of their favorite places, watching and counting as many birds as they can find and reporting their findings. These observations help scientists better understand global bird populations before one of their annual migrations.
We will work with Merlin, eBird and iNaturalist apps to identify and record the species we find. Participants do not need to be familiar with these apps, but understanding and using them will add to your appreciation and fun. Margot will offer a brief tutorial for people who are not accustomed to using the apps. Photographers are welcome, although photography will not be the focus of the day.
If you also wish to participate by counting in one of your own favorite spots, go to to learn more.
We will meet at 10:00 at the entrance to the Preserve at 30720 Elkhorn Rd. in Yorkville. There we will form carpools to drive onto the Preserve. We will need AWD or 4-wheel drive vehicles on the Preserve, so if you have one and are willing to drive, please let me know. You will receive more detailed information via email just before the event.
You will be asked to sign a waiver upon your arrival. All children and minors must be accompanied by a legal guardian or a group leader who can legally take on that role (e.g., Girl Scout group). No pets or smoking permitted.
We will go in light rain, but if the rain is heavy, we will notify you via email of cancelation.
What to Bring:
Bring binoculars. If you wish to bring a spotting scope, we will be driving from one spot to another so it can easily be transported. Also bring water, a snack, sunscreen, rain gear as needed, and insect repellent. Long pants and long-sleeved shirts are recommended, as are sturdy walking/hiking shoes. We will be doing a minimal amount of walking, but it will be over uneven, occasionally steep, ground. Walking sticks might be helpful.
How to Sign Up:
Register at the link below. Each participant should register separately. Registration is free.
About the Center
Sonoma State University’s Center for Environmental Inquiry empowers university students to work with community members on the environmental challenges of the North Bay. Our mission is to create an engaged and environmentally ready society, one where all people have the skills to find solutions to the challenges facing our earth. SSU Preserves are open to everyone engaged in education or research. Reservations are required.