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Center Staff

Galbreath Logistics Manager

Center Director, SSU Sustainability Programs Director
Schulz 3048
w: 707-664-3519 c: 707-536-8915
Schulz 3048
w: 707-664-3519 c: 707-536-8915

Galbreath Program Coordinator

Naturalist Education Specialist
Student Employees
Student employees contribute significantly to Center operations. We would not be who we are without their ideas, enthusiasm and hard work.
Current Employees
- Javier Ruelas-Topete, Marketing & Outreach Associate, 2024-present
- Millie Strawn, Preserve Steward, 2024-present
- Tessa Thompson, Preserve Steward and Copeland Creek Restoration Assistant, 2024-present
Past Employees
- Claudia Mayo, Marketing & Outreach Associate, 2022-2024
- Chloe Winsemius, Education Assistant and Copeland Creek Restoration Assistant, 2023-2024
- Ellyse Cappellano, Copeland Creek Restoration Assistant, 2021-2022
- Quinn Concannon, Preserve Steward, 2020-2022
- Zachary Duke, Copeland Creek Restoration Assistant, 2021-2022
- Emily Ledford, Copeland Creek Restoration Team Leader, Preserve Steward, 2020-2022
- James Jackson, Copeland Creek Restoration Assistant, 2021-2022
- Melia Zimmerman, Preserve Steward, 2021-2024
- Karsten Steinhorst, Virtual Field Technician, 2020-2023
- Adrian Torti-Feener, Virtual Field Education Assistant, 2022-2023
- Patrick Campbell, Marketing & Outreach Associate, 2022
- Jason Hill, Sustainability Communications Assistant, 2022
- Brieanne Forbes, Virtual Field Education Assistant, 2021-2022
- Nicole Zellers, Marketing & Outreach Associate, 2021-2022
- Olivia Hughes, Sustainability Communications Assistant, 2021
- Amira Bailey, Marketing & Outreach Associate, 2021
- Zach Landau, Preserve Steward, 2020-2021
- Julia Crowley, Marketing & Communications Associate, 2020-2021
- Savanna Thomas, Copeland Creek Restoration Assistant, 2020-2021
- Dillon Henderson, Copeland Creek Restoration Assistant, 2020
- Kassandra Walker, Marketing & Communications Associate, 2020
- Elif Myers, Sustainability Associate, 2020
- Sophia Pruden, Preserve Steward, 2020
- Peter Forte, Preserve Steward, 2020
- Kyle Page, Preserve Steward, 2019-2020
- Julianne Bradbury, Teaching Associate, 2019-2020
- Melanie Rodriguez, Marketing & Communications Associate, 2019-2020
- John Pocklington, Preserve Steward, 2018-2020
- Megan McGuire, Marketing & Communications Associate, 2019
- Alessandra Phelan-Roberts, Teaching Associate, 2018-2019
- Jaime Johnson, Marketing & Communications Associate, 2018-2019
- Makayla Freed, Preserve Steward, 2017-2019
- Taylor Moran, Marketing & Communications Associate, 2018
- Dustin Howland, Teaching Associate, 2017-2018
- Emily Rosa, Preserve Steward, 2017-2018
- Alice Tennigkeit, Marketing & Communications Associate, 2017-2018
- Maxwell Belote Broussard, Preserve Steward, 2017
- Julie Wittmann, Teaching Associate, 2016- 2017
- Manuel Hernandez, Preserve Steward, 2016-2017
- Garrett Shipway, Preserve Steward, 2015-2016
- Kerry Wininger, Teaching Associate, 2013-2016
- Maya Hoholick, Preserve Steward, 2014-2015
- Jeff Johnson, Preserve Steward, 2011-2012, 2014
- Andrew McCrory, Preserve Steward, 2013
- Zachary Beltz, Preserve Steward, 2012-2013
- David Golden, Preserve Steward, 2012-2013
- Dave Ness, Instructional Student Assistant, 2012-2013
- Emmanuel Barra, Preserve Steward, 2012
- Eliot Bilecki, Preserve Steward, 2011-2012
- Danielle Martinez, Preserve Steward, 2010-2011
- Jennifer Sloat, Preserve Steward, 2010-2011
- Josh Stithem, Teaching Associate, 2009-2010
- John Allison, Preserve Steward, 2009-2010
- Connor Ross, Preserve Steward, 2009-2010