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Plant & Animal Data

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Fairfield Osborn Preserve: Plants & Animals

Osborn Plant & Animal Data
Species Lists see Osborn Preserve Species
Herbarium Specimens Berkeley Mapper
Vegetation see Maps & Spatial Data
ButterfliesMonthly surveys conducted between June and October 2002. Includes location on preserve and number observed.
Document: 2002_osborn_butterfly_surveys.xlsx (71.21 KB)
Wildlife Camera Trap ImagesVideos and images from cameras in various locations on the preserve. Photos labeled with species, location, date and time. CEI Data Archive: Wildlife Camera Images


Galbreath Wildlands Preserve: Plants & Animals

Galbreath Plant & Animal Data
Species Lists see Galbreath Preserve Species
Madrone Camp Tree Survey Diameter and precise location of trees of Madrone Camp in 2015
Document: posted_to_web_data.xlsx (570.04 KB)
Timber Harvest PlansVegetation descriptions from timber harvest planssee Galbreath Preserve Land Management
Special Status Plant PopulationsRoadside surveys in May 2013 discovered populations of 3 special status plants: white flowered rein orchid (Piperia candida, 12 sites, ~268 plants), Santa Cruz clover (Trifolium buckwestiorum (20 sites, ~5,745 plants), and Franciscan onion (Allium peninsulare var. franciscanum, 4 sites, ~776 plants).Data available on request
Wildlife Camera Trap ImagesVideos and images from cameras located inside and outside a transmission line corridor. Photos labeled with species, location, date and time. CEI Data Archive: Wildlife Camera Images
Pacific Fisher SurveyCalifornia Department of Fish and Wildlife Surveys from baited camera traps in 2013-14. No fishers found. Includes data on other species observed.
Document: cdfw_galbreath_preserve.pdf (251.45 KB)


Los Guillicos Preserve: Plants & Animals

Los Guillicos Plant & Animal Data
Bird diversity and abundanceMid-morning bird surveys during winter and spring 2013-14: common name and number of individuals observed