Past Events

Friday, May 6, 2022

women collecting amphibians at a pond

Young Women in Herpetology

10:00am to 2:00pm
Galbreath Wildlands Preserve

Less than one third of herpetologists around the world are women and yet two of them are hard at work right here in the North Bay. Join us to learn from them about the important role of these animals in the health of our ecosystem. We will work with them as we go in search of the reptiles and amphibians that live on the Galbreath Wildlands Preserve in southern Mendocino County.  With experience in public education, research, animal care and academia, they will share their knowledge and passion for these fascinating vertebrates. 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

woman points out infection on trunk

Galbreath Sudden Oak Death Blitz

9:00am to 1:00pm
Galbreath Wildlands Preserve

Help control this destructive forest pathogen! Now in its 15th year, this statewide citizen science project is vital to managing Sudden Oak Death, which is widespread in Sonoma and Mendocino counties. We are particularly concerned about the possibility of the more virulent EU1 strain of the pathogen infecting tanoaks at Galbreath Preserve. Join us to contribute to science and help the preserve, while getting your own bay laurel or tanoak trees tested at no cost.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

man in a mask holds infected leaves / hombre con una máscara sostiene hojas infectadas

Osborn Sudden Oak Death Blitz - Bilingüe en español

2:00pm to 5:00pm
Fairfield Osborn Preserve

Help control this destructive forest pathogen! Now in its 15th year, this statewide citizen science project is vital to managing Sudden Oak Death. Sonoma County continues to be a hotbed of infection, and Osborn Preserve was the first location it was detected here back in 2001, so maintaining long-term research on site is particularly important. Join us to contribute to science while getting your own bay laurel or tanoak trees tested at no cost. This is a bilingual event (English and Spanish). 

¡Ayuda a controlar este destructivo patógeno del bosque! Ahora en su decimoquinto año, este proyecto de ciencia comunitaria en todo el estado es vital para administrar Sudden Oak Death, que está muy extendido en el condado de Sonoma. Únase a nosotros para contribuir a la ciencia y obtener sus propios árboles de laurel o tanoak sin costo alguno Este es un evento bilingue (Inglés y Español). 

a naturalist presenting to a group on a trail

Natural History Hikes

10:00am to 2:00pm
Fairfield Osborn Preserve

Take advantage of the healing powers of nature while exploring diverse ecosystems on Sonoma Mountain. SSU Naturalists will lead you on a tour of this university education and research site, and give you insights into the ways we can work together to restore regional landscapes. Activities will be subject to change based on the most recent guidance about COVID safety

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Children holding a newt with “nature-clean” hands

Naturalist Ed Series: Connecting to Nature Through Story

3:00pm to 6:00pm

A wonderful way to turn children’s attention and appreciation towards the natural world is through story books. Join us to discover how to engage children with nature story and writing at the Osborn Preserve! We will also use our senses to explore nature in a short “intentional walk."

Saturday, April 23, 2022

a naturalist presenting to a group on a trail

Natural History Hikes

10:00am to 2:00pm
Fairfield Osborn Preserve

Take advantage of the healing powers of nature while exploring diverse ecosystems on Sonoma Mountain. SSU Naturalists will lead you on a tour of this university education and research site, and give you insights into the ways we can work together to restore regional landscapes. Activities will be subject to change based on the most recent guidance about COVID safety

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

frame from film with woman on couch

Embers of Awakening: Film & Chat

4:00pm to 6:30pm
SSU Main Campus

We are in a climate crisis. “Embers of Awakening: From Firestorms to Climate Health” is a gripping exploration of how fire is changing the way we live. The film reveals personal stories of damage and recovery in Sonoma County and ways that we need to change the way we live to create a path towards a healthy world. After the film showing, join us for small group reflective discussions and Q&A with the filmmakers from Listening for a Change about our personal experiences, hopes and goals. We will hear briefly about what SSU is doing to make a difference, and the new SSU Sustainability Pledge that helps you identify meaningful personal actions you can take for a vibrant future in our county and on our planet. 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

a naturalist presenting to a group on a trail

Natural History Hikes

10:00am to 2:00pm
Fairfield Osborn Preserve

Take advantage of the healing powers of nature while exploring diverse ecosystems on Sonoma Mountain. SSU Naturalists will lead you on a tour of this university education and research site, and give you insights into the ways we can work together to restore regional landscapes. Activities will be subject to change based on the most recent guidance about COVID safety

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

train with containers in front of trees

Building Resilience: Reliable Supply Chains

12:00pm to 1:00pm

A supply chain is the entire process of making and selling commercial goods, including every stage from the supply of materials and the manufacture of goods through to their distribution and sale. Resilience of critical supply chains proactively allows organizations to withstand and quickly recover from incidents. This is the seventh event in the 2020-21 North Bay Forward "Building Resilience" monthly speaker series, a year-long conversation to increase community collaboration on resilience to climate change.

Monday, April 11, 2022

black bear standing in vegetation

Deep Dive: Being with Bears

12:00pm to 1:00pm

The black bear is the most common species of bear in North America and a native of California. It is opportunistic and, as such, can sometimes be viewed by humans as irritating and frightening as it rummages for food in our backpacks and even refrigerators! It is emblematic of wildness, needing a mosaic of diverse habitats to survive. By building resilient and biodiverse habitats, we help bears to stay wild – in our open spaces, and out of our neighborhoods. Several studies are underway to learn as much as possible about these magnificent animals. The North Bay Bear Collaborative is a local group collecting data to learn more about their range and activities. Learn more about this work and how you can be part of the research team. Watch recorded event here: Deep Dive: Being with Bears April 11, 2022
