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May 11, 2022

Building Resilience: Community Connections Feast

SSU Main Campus
5:00 am – 6:30 am

Admission Fees: none

Registration Links:
Register for this event

A universal theme that emerged from this year’s Building Resilience series is that resilience in all its forms depends on connection and collaboration. We end the 2021-22 series with an outdoor feast designed to help you relax and develop connections that will make our future more resilient. We will serve you a hearty vegetarian lunch in SSU's beautiful Butterfly Garden. We will help you find attendees with common interests and introduce you to the exceptional leaders who served as panelists throughout the year. Make time for your own personal resilience, enjoy a hot meal, and contribute to community resilience.

This is the eighth and final event in the 2021-22 North Bay Forward "Building Resilience" monthly speaker series, a year-long conversation to increase community collaboration on resilience to climate change. At each virtual event, leaders working on local resilience projects spoke about their work and discussed with the audience ways we can collaborate. Resilience can only be achieved through collaboration and authentic representation, and throughout we focused on ensuring that those of us most affected by climate change have a voice at the table. 


This series is supported by the Center for Environmental Inquiry as part of Sonoma State University's President’s Climate Leadership Commitment. Sonoma State faculty and staff will discuss ways that SSU is interested in partnering to move us towards a more resilient future.

North Bay Forward is a collaborative initiative that harnesses the collective talent, vision, and experience of business, community, public sector and academic leaders to engage in the systemic change and collaboration needed to usher in a sustainable, resilient North Bay.


We will meet at Sonoma State University's Butterfly Garden at noon. We'll start with time for meet-and-greet with ice-breaker activities available to foster those impactful one-on-one connections that lead to novel ideas and action. A few chairs and benches will be set up for those who wish to sit, and we ask that you bring your own camping or folding chair if you have one. A buffet style vegetarian meal will then be served by SSU staff members wearing masks and gloves, and our presenters will take the floor while we eat. We'll then have about 45 minutes to get to know others we may want to collaborate with, take the Sustainability Pledge, and explore the garden.

The SSU Butterfly Garden is located on the northeast side of campus, along the Copeland Creek Trail. We recommend parking in lot G (click here then select "Sonoma State" to purchase a Daily Parking Permit in advance), or traveling by bicycle or public transportation

No previous experience or knowledge is required to participate. This event is recommended for ages 17 and up. 

Speakers from past event who have been invited include:

How to Sign Up

Register at the link below. Each participant should register separately. Registration is free.

About the Center

Sonoma State University’s Center for Environmental Inquiry empowers university students to work with community members on the environmental challenges of the North Bay. Our mission is to create an engaged and environmentally ready society, one where all people have the skills to find solutions to the challenges facing our earth. SSU Preserves are open to everyone engaged in education or research. Reservations are required.

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