Galbreath Mushroom Blitz 2024

Galbreath Wildlands Preserve
10:00 am
– 2:00 pm
Admission Fees: none
Registration Links:
Register for this event
Wild fungi give us a window into the health of our ecosystems, play a vital role in plant growth and communication, and can remove heavy metals from soil and water. For the sixth consecutive year, students and the community will comb the hills of the Galbreath Preserve to collect and record as many fungal species as possible. Join us to build identification and sustainable harvesting skills while adding to our research database. A sister event takes place at Osborn Preserve December 8th.
- Dr. Melina Kozanitas, Mycology course instructor, Sonoma State University
- Lisa Bauer, a Yorkville expert who teaches mushroom identification
We will meet at 10:00 at the entrance to the Preserve at 30720 Elkhorn Rd. in Yorkville. There we will form carpools to drive on the Preserve. We will need AWD or 4-wheel drive vehicles on the Preserve, so if you have one and are willing to drive, please let me know. You will receive more detailed information via email just before the event.
We will be doing a minimal amount of walking, but it will be over uneven ground.
There is a restroom available at the Galbreath Preserve, but no drinking water.
Participants must sign a waiver upon arrival. All minors must be accompanied by a legal guardian or a group leader who can legally take on that role (e.g., Girl Scout group). Pets and smoking are not permitted.
COVID-19 Safety
Do not attend if you test positive for COVID-19 or if you have any symptoms that may be indicative of COVID-19. All SSU updated guidelines can be found here.
What to Bring
Please bring sun, rain, and insect protection, a full water bottle, lunch, and sturdy shoes to hike in over muddy ground. Layered clothing and long pants are recommended.
How to Sign Up
See registration link below. Each person should register separately and indicate if they are bringing children. This event is free of charge.
About the Center
Sonoma State University’s Center for Environmental Inquiry empowers university students to work with community members on the environmental challenges of the North Bay. Our mission is to create an engaged and environmentally ready society, one where all people have the skills to find solutions to the challenges facing our earth. SSU Preserves are open to everyone engaged in education or research. Reservations are required.