Local Nature: Great Backyard Bird Count
6:00 am
– 7:00 am
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Every February, people from around the United States participate in The Great Backyard Bird Count. This free, fun and easy event engages bird watchers of all ages to create a real-time snapshot of bird populations. Participants are asked to count birds for as little as 15 minutes (or as long as they wish) on one or more days of the four-day event and report their sightings online at birdcount.org, where scientists from The Audubon Society and Cornell University Lab of Ornithology can view and analyze the data to study migration, population changes, impacts of climate change on our feathered friends, and much more. Anyone can take part, from beginning bird watchers to experts, and you can participate from your backyard or anywhere in the world. Marisela will help us get started on the first day of the count and you can take it from there! Watch recorded event here: Local Nature: Great Backyard Bird Count, February 12, 2021
Marisela de Santa Anna, President, Peregrin Audubon Society
In addition to her role at Peregrine Audubon, Marisela works for the Mendocino County Resource Conservation District as a staff biologist and project interpreter for the Willits mitigation project. She holds degrees in both botany and biology, taught in the Willits Unified School District for 18 years and has been involved with teaching environmental education, including leading bird hikes for thousands of children over the years.
No previous experience or knowledge is required. This event is suitable for ages 9 years and older.
Binoculars would be helpful. We suggest attendees watch "Introduction to eBird" on the eBird website.
Zoom meeting details will be sent to you upon registration. If you have not used Zoom before, please allow time to download and install the application before the event. Please log-in a few minutes early, as it may take more than one attempt if servers are busy.
How to Sign Up
Register at the link below. Each participant should register separately. Registration is free.
About the Center
Sonoma State University’s Center for Environmental Inquiry empowers university students to work with community members on the environmental challenges of the North Bay. Our mission is to create an engaged and environmentally ready society, one where all people have the skills to find solutions to the challenges facing our earth. SSU Preserves are open to everyone engaged in education or research. Reservations are required.