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September 17, 2021

Local Nature: Songwriting for the Earth

two women play ukuleles outside

6:00 am – 7:00 am

Admission Fees: none

Registration Links:
Register for this event

Come share your love of nature through music! In this beginner’s Introduction, we’ll explore how songs are valuable teaching tools to spread awareness about environmental concerns and ideas, and we’ll provide an easy entry into the art of songwriting. After covering basic musical building blocks, we’ll take a few minutes to explore our own outside spaces for inspiration, then break into groups to write new lyrics to familiar melodies. Deepen your connection to nature through song, and help others do the same. Watch recorded event here: Local Nature: Songwriting for the Earth, September 17, 2021


  • Karen Wagner, Performing Musician/Songwriter & Nature Lover
  • Marcia McFarland, Performing Musician/Songwriter


No previous experience or knowledge is required. You do not need to have a background in music or play an instrument. This event is recommended for ages 14 and up.

Karen and Marcia will be available for another half hour to answer questions and provide feedback to those who wish to stay until 2:30pm.

Zoom meeting details will be sent to you upon registration. If you have not used Zoom before, please allow time to download and install the application before the event. Please log-in a few minutes early, as it may take more than one attempt if servers are busy.

How to Sign Up

Register at the link below. Each participant should register separately. Registration is free.

About the Center

Sonoma State University’s Center for Environmental Inquiry empowers university students to work with community members on the environmental challenges of the North Bay. Our mission is to create an engaged and environmentally ready society, one where all people have the skills to find solutions to the challenges facing our earth. SSU Preserves are open to everyone engaged in education or research. Reservations are required.

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