Universities & Zoos Partnering for Biodiversity
7:00 am
– 8:00 am
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What comes to mind when you hear the word "zoo?" A lion licking her paw on top of a rock in an enclosure? A cage full of brightly colored birds? But how about a behind-the-scenes nursery where baby turtles are being raised for release into the wild once old enough to fend for themselves? Turtle Headstart was just such a project developed by an SSU professor and staff at the San Francisco Zoo and the Oakland Zoo, working together to combine the resources of two very different types of institutions. This project is just one of many collaborations successfully combining the attributes of the academic with the practical. Our two presenters will focus on the value of such cooperation in the work to preserve nature’s biodiversity. Watch recorded event here: Universities & Zoos Partnering for Biodiversity, October 27, 2022
- Jessie Bushell, Director of Conservation, San Francisco Zoo
- Adrienne Mrsny, Conservation Manager, Oakland Zoo
No previous experience or knowledge is required for this "Deep Dive" style event. This event is recommended for ages 12 and up.
Zoom meeting details will be sent to you upon registration. If you have not used Zoom before, please allow time to download and install the application before the event. Please log-in a few minutes early, as it may take more than one attempt if servers are busy.
How to Sign Up
Register at the link below. Each participant should register separately. Registration is free.
About the Center
Sonoma State University’s Center for Environmental Inquiry empowers university students to work with community members on the environmental challenges of the North Bay. Our mission is to create an engaged and environmentally ready society, one where all people have the skills to find solutions to the challenges facing our earth. SSU Preserves are open to everyone engaged in education or research. Reservations are required.