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WATERS Faculty Presenting to the CSU Board of Trustees March 24, 2015

Jackie Guilford (ENSP) and her student Maya Hoholick will be presenting the results of their water quality research to the CSU Board of Trustees on March 24, 2015.

The CSU Water Resources and Policy Initiatives (WRPI) and Council on Ocean Affairs, Science and Technology (COAST)  will co-host a student-faculty research poster reception at the Chancellor's Office in Long Beach from 4:00-6:00 p.m., following the first day of the Board of Trustees meeting. The reception will highlight water-related research conducted by CSU students and their faculty mentors from the 23 CSU campuses. The Chancellor, CSU Presidents and Trustees will be in attendance to meet the faculty and students and hear about their research firsthand.   

Dr. Guilford and Ms. Hoholick will be representing SSU at the reception, presenting their collaborative work with Jeff Church of the Sonoma County Water Agency on the "Rohnert Park Nutrient Loading." All trip expenses will be reimbursed by WRPI.