Water Experts
Sonoma State Faculty and Staff
Emily Acosta Lewis

Associate Professor, Department of Communications & Media Studies; Primitivo PR Advisor; Center for Community Engagement's Arts and Humanities Faculty Fellow
- Contact Information: (707) 664-2507; emily.acostalewis@sonoma.edu, Primitivo website
- Area of Expertise: public relations, mass communication, persuasion, public speaking, new media, high-impact educational practices with a focus on service-learning
- Water-Related Community Connections: Dr. Acosta-Lewis worked on a project with students as part of the Rising Waters Initiative to develop plans and products for a media campaign to demystify the misconceptions about persons experiencing homelessness while also highlighting environmental concerns.
Owen Anfinson

Associate Professor, Department of Geography
- Contact: (707) 664-2176; anfinson@sonoma.edu
- Area of Expertise: Hydrology, Sedimentology, tectonics, statigraphy, geology
- Water-Related Community Connections: Dr. Anfinson and his students are working with a community group on Lichau Road, the Sonoma County Water Agency and others to characterize flooding in the Copeland Creek watershed.
Manza Atkinson

Lecturer, Department of Chemistry
- Contact: manza.atkinson@sonoma.edu
- Areas of Expertise: development of solid-state organic materials, applications of magnetic levitation
- Water-Related Research: He has established a collaboration to investigate microplastic contaminants in the waterways of Sonoma County with the help of the students, the Russian River Keepers, Santa Rosa Junior College, and a mini grant from the Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Program (RSCAP) here at Sonoma State University; Magnetic Levitation (MagLev) to Isolate and Evaluate Micron-sized Particles In the Russian River
Jeff Baldwin

Professor & Chair, Department of Geography, Environment and Planning
- Contact Information: (707) 664-2314; baldwije@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Expertise:
- Hydrology, Pre-European stream forms and hydrologies; role of beaver in stream form and function, stream response to changes in grazing practices; hydrologic response to climate change
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Climate Change and Society (GEOG 352); Geopolitics (GEOG 320). I also taught Water Resources at Willamette University.
- Water-Related Research: I am interested in how environmental communities provide important services to human economies, and to better understand how social groups could work more cooperatively with those communities. I have worked extensively in Oregon on the role of beaver in transforming watershed processes. I am currently developing a habitat suitability model for beaver re-introduction for the entire state of Oregon.
- Water-Related Community Connections: I am a member of the Beaver Work Group organized through Occidental Arts & Ecology Center and participate in North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative (NBCAI) program.
Gina Baleria

Assistant Professor, Department of Communications & Media Studies; KSUN Advisor
- Contact Information: 707-664-2149; baleria@sonoma.edu
- Area of Expertise: Journalism, Media Writing, Radio & Podcasting, Digital Media
- Water-Related Community Connections: Dr. Baleria works on a project with students as part of the Rising Waters Initiative to develop plans and products for a media campaign to demystify the misconceptions about persons experiencing homelessness while also highlighting environmental concerns
Lisa Patrick Bentley

Associate Professor, Department of Biology
- Contact Information: (707) 664-2918; lisa.bentley@sonoma.edu
- Area of Water Expertise: Plant Ecophysiology, Plant Physiology, Community and Ecosystem Ecology, Tropical Ecology
- Water-Related Research:
Megan Burke
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy; Advisor for Social Justice Concentration & the PHIL Clubs
- Contact Information: (707) 664-3148; burkemeg@sonoma.edu, website
- Area of Expertise: 20th century continental philosophy, feminist philosophy, LGBTQ studies, phenomenology, philosophy of race, social and political philosophy
- Water-Related Community Connections: Dr. Burke worked on a project with students as part of the Rising Waters Initiative on aligning the universe on homelessness and water quality in Sonoma County, developing a knowledge map by considering existing community resources and values.
Matthew Clark

Professor, Department of Geography, Environment and Planning; Director of Center for Interdisciplinary Geospatial Analysis (CIGA)
- Contact: (707) 664-2558: matthew.clark@sonoma.edu; websites: CIGA; Clark
- Area of Water Expertise: Techniques, Remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), biogeography
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GEOG 387), Advanced GIS (GEOG 487), Remote Sensing and Image Processing (GEOG 380), Environmental GIS (GEOG 483)
- Water-Related Research: I am interested in the conservation of earth's biological diversity in a time of increasing economic activity and global climate change. I apply GIS to applications in terrestrial ecology, conservation science, and land-use change. My recent research focuses on regional- to continental-scale mapping and analysis of land change in Latin America and the Caribbean. For this project, I developed a mapping methodology that estimates land change at municipality scales over the last decade. We use these land-cover maps to investigate the underlying drivers of change, such as economic globalization, human migration and interactions with climate and landform. My other research interest involves using hyperspectral and lidar (laser scanning) sensors to map properties of natural vegetation, such as species composition and biomass, over broad spatial scales.
- Water-Related Community Connections: CIGA undertakes a variety of projects, generally on a contract basis, with local agencies and organizations.
Mike Cohen

Professor, Department of Biology
- Contact: (707) 664-3413; cohenm@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Water Quality and Technology, Environmental microbiology, constructed wetlands, bioremediation, anaerobic digestion of aquatic weeds.
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Bacteriology (BIOL 340), Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology (BIOL 338)
- Water-Related Research: A Fuel from Aquatic Biomass (FAB) research program conducted in collaboration with the City of Santa Rosa Laguna Treatment Plant from 2007 to 2012 explored three primary lines of investigation:
- (1) utilization of native aquatic vegetation to ‘polish’ treated wastewater by removing nutrients and man-made pollutants;
- (2) biofuel production via anaerobic digestion of harvested aquatic vegetation in combination with agricultural waste; and
- (3) application of spent digestate as a soil amendment to promote plant growth and suppress root disease.
- Water-Related Community Connections: I have worked for many years with City of Santa Rosa on water treatment.
Suzanne DeCoursey

Education Manager, Center for Environmental Inquiry
- Contact: (707) 795-5069; decourse@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Restoration and Ecology, Environmental education, outreach, restoration
- Water-Related Responsibilities: I train docents in natural history, ecosystem processes and pedagogy which allows them to lead educational tours of the Fairfield Osborn Preserve. I also supervise SSU undergraduates to undertake restoration projects in the Copeland Creek watershed. I supervise and collaborate with SSU Facilities on SSU's participation in the Sonoma County Youth Ecology Corps program. During the summer we work with disadvantaged youth to remove invasive species removal on Copeland Creek at the Fairfield Osborn Preserve and on the SSU campus.
- Water-Related Community Connections: In pursuing water related responsibilities, I interact with elementary schools across the county, the Sonoma County Water Agency, Youth Ecology Corps, and Sonoma County Adult Youth Development.
Steve Estes

Professor, Department of History
- Contact: Phone: (707) 664-2424; steve.estes@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Expertise: Culture and Policy, Historical Methods
- Water-Related Courses Taught: HIST 500 Historical Methods
- Water-Related Community Connections: Since 2011 I have worked with the Center for Environmental Inquiry to incorporate historical questions about environmental processes into my HIST 500 class. In our most recent project, we interviewed local community members near each of the SSU preserves to find out more about landscape changes in local watersheds.
Kevin Fang

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Environment & Planning; Director, Center for Sustainable Communities (CSC)
- Contact Information: 707-664-3144; fangk@sonoma.edu
- Area of Expertise: geography of cities, sustainable transportation, “micromobility” transportation
- Water-Related Research: Correlations with Residential Water Usage: A Look at the Built Environment and More
Farid Farahmand

Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Science
- Contact: (707) 664-3491; farid.farahmand@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Techniques, sensor development, data networking, remote water and power monitoring
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Engineering Science Senior Design Project (ES 491 and ES 492)
- Water-Related Research: In my lab, Advanced Internet Technology for the Interest of Society, we develop remote-monitoring technology solutions for environmental and health care problems. My research includes study and implementation of vehicular delay tolerant networks (VDTN) and their applications in areas where no communications infrastructure exists. In particular, we focus on utilizing VDTN technology to interconnect diverse sensor platforms to monitor water related needs such as water quality, and meteorology, in remote areas.
Water-Related Community Connections: I work with the Center for Environmental Inquiry and SSU Faculty to create specialized sensors (solar power, hydrology, meteorology, plant physiology) and environmental sensors networks needed to automate data collection and distribution. I have also worked with UC Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory to develop a mobile climate pod for tracking local climatic conditions.
Ben Ford

Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- Contact: Phone: (707) 664-2472; ben.ford@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Techniques, mathematical and statistical applications to water-related issues
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Mathematical Modeling (MATH 470); Mathematics Colloquium (MATH 175/375) Mathematics Colloquium
- Water-Related Research: I am interested in applications of Mathematics in a diversity of fields, and have given expository talks on the Mathematics of protein folding, traffic jams, and language.
- Water-Related Community Connections: Many of my community activities have direct or indirect connections to water issues. These include my activities as a member steering group for the Sonoma County Time Bank; Treasurer for the Northern California Earth Institute; member Cotati Planning Commission. In the past, I have also served as Fellow of the Leadership Institute for Ecology and the Economy, member and president of the Board of Pathways Charter School, and member of the steering group for Transition Cotati and the City of Cotati’s Design Review Committee.
Nick Geist

Professor, Department of Biology
- Contact: (707) 664-3056; nick.geist@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Restoration and Ecology, aquatic amphibians and reptlies
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Herpetology (BIO 463)
- Water-Related Research: My research focuses on fundamental aspects of the reproductive and conservation biology western pond turtle biology, especially mechanisms of temperature dependent sex determination, nesting behavior, population dynamics, and conservation. Current research includes CA DFG-approved head-starting in collaboration with the San Francisco and Oakland zoos.
- Water-Related Community Connections: Collaborations with the Nature Conservancy, Presidio Trust, Sonoma County Water Agency, Lake County Land Trust, and California Department of Fish and Game.
Derek Girman

Professor, Department of Biology
- Contact Information: (707) 664-3055; girman@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Restoration and Ecology, ecology and conservation of fishes, salamanders, and other vertebrates within and among watersheds
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Vertebrate Biology (BIOL 327); Conservation Genetics (BIOL 511)
- Water-Related Research: Conservation genetics (fishes, salamanders, seabirds); speciation mechanisms in local salamanders; watershed impacts;leading to;salamander deformities; endangered Tiger Salamander conservation.
- Water-Related Community Connections: Collaborative research with the Sonoma County Water Agency, Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge. Collaborative education with NOAA Fisheries, Army Corps of Engineers, UC Extension, California Department of Fish & Game, Golden Gate Raptor Observatory, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, and Point Reyes Bird Observatory
Michelle Goman

Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Environment and Planning
- Contact: (707) 664-2314; goman@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Hydrology, reconstructing prehistoric environmental change; paleoclimatic change; wetland ecology and paleoecology
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Global Environmental Systems (Geog 204); Lab Methods in Physical Geography (Geog 317); Geomorphology (Geog 360); Global Climate Change; Past, Present and Future (Geog 372; Natural Hazards (Geog 375).
- Water-Related Research: I study the causes and impacts of environmental change during the last 10,000 years by working with biological and non-biological materials preserved in lake and wetland sediments. For instance, in the San Francisco Bay my research has focused upon understanding variations in river discharge as caused by climate change. This has direct relevance to how we manage the freshwater supply that feeds the Delta and Bay
- Water-Related Community Connections: My students work on various projects with SCWA including erosion monitoring on Copeland Creek. I am a member of the Baylands Habitat Goals Transition Zone Workgroup
Mark Gondree

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
- Contact Information: (707) 664-3854; gondree@sonoma.edu, website
- Area of Expertise: CS education, security pedagogy, applied cryptography, efficient secure computation, delegating work securely to untrusted participants, provable security, electronic privacy, trusted component minimization, and the science of building secure systems.
- Water-Related Community Connections: Dr. Gondree advised a student project as part of the Rising Waters Initiative to further develop a prototype water resource mapping tool (restrooms, showers, drinking fountains).
Jacquelyn Guilford

Lecturer, Department of Geography, Environment, and Planning
- Contact: (717) 350-4936; guilforj@sonoma.edu
- Area of Water Expertise: Water Quality and Technology
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Sustainable Water Technology and Toxicology (ENSP 450); CEI Watershed Research Internship Program
- Water-Related Research: Studied nutrient loading in Copeland Creek and the Laguna de Santa Rosa; Researching water quality and homelessness as part of Rising Waters
- Water-Related Community Connections: Sonoma County Water Agency, City of Santa Rosa Laguna Treatment Plant
Chris Halle

Nature!Tech Program Lead, Center for Environmental Inquiry
- Contact: (707) 536-8914; halle@sonoma.edu
- Area of Water Expertise: Hydrology, Meteorology, oceanography, sensor and communications development, environmental data interpretation and display, understanding uncertainty.
- Water-Related Courses Taught: ES 314 Advanced Programming Model/Simulation (Technical Computing).
- Water-Related Research: I have been working on various aspects of earth observing systems for the last 30 years. My interests include quantifying “typical” and “extreme” environmental conditions, scientific computer programming, and environmental description. I am particularly interested by challenges that arise at the interfaces between the often distinct disciplines of “traditional” science, programming, data management, and integration of observations obtained from disparate platforms. I am also interested in quantifying uncertainty, particularly as it relates to risk management. I currently serve as the Nature!Tech Lead for the Center for Environmental Inquiry, where I help to develop collaborations between collaborating organizations (businesses, agencies, non-profits) and Sonoma State faculty and students.
- Water-Related Community Connections: City of Rohnert Park, Sonoma County Water Agency, UC Davis Bodega Marine Lab
José Javier Hernández Ayala
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Environment & Planning; Director, Climate Research Center
- Contact Information: (707) 664-3834, hernan27@sonoma.edu
- Area of Expertise: Hydroclimatology , extreme weather and climate, climate and society, the Caribbean and Latin America
- Water-Related Research: Climatology of extreme rainfall, flood and drought events and how they are connected to climate variability and climate change; the connection between socioeconomic activities and the increasing frequency of extreme weather events associated with human induced climate change.
Heidi Herrmann

Lecturer, Department of Geography, Environment, and Planning
- Contact Information: heidi.herrmann@sonoma.edu
- Area of Water Expertise: Restoration and Ecology, plant propagation, restoration
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Plant Propagation
- Water-Related Community Connections: My students and I grow plants for the SSU Copeland Creek restoration project and other restoration areas. I also work in coordination with the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation.
Alex Hinds

Lecturer, Department of Geography, Environment, and Planning; Interim Director of the Center for Sustainable Communities
- Contact: (415 669-7230); hindsa@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Culture and Policy, sustainability planning, climate change, smart growth and water friendly development strategies
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Sustainability and Green Building: What You Need to Know (ENSP800 3962); Mainstreaming Sustainability: Plans, Codes and Urban Design ENSP800 3963; Preparing and Enacting Climate Action and Energy Plans (ENSP800 3965); Act Now: Funding and Implementing Sustainable Community Strategies (ENSP800 3967)
- Water-Related Research: My colleagues and I at SSU's Center for Sustainable Communities consist of "recycled" public sector professionals, faculty and students who assist communities in the development of sustainable strategies. We are currently working for the California Department of Water Resources in the development of an integrated water management - land use tool that calculates the costs and benefits of water friendly development practices.
- Water-Related Community Connections: I have directed California planning, building and environmental health departments for over 24 years in Marin, San Luis Obispo, and Lake Counties. My legacy project was completion of Marin County's highly regarded general plan and sustainability programs which received numerous state and national awards. I was a founding member of Green Cities of California, past president of the California Planning Foundation and the California County Planning Directors Association. I am currently a member of the California Planning Roundtable and an international director for the American Planning Association's Northern California Section.
Thomas Jacobson

Professor, Department of Environmental Studies and Planning, Director Institute for Community Planning Assistance, Interim Director SSU’s Sustainable Communities Program
- Contact: (707) 664-3145; tom.jacobson@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Culture and Policy, sustainable development, environmental regulation
- Water-Related Courses Taught: ENSP 308 - Environmental Literature, ENSP 310 - Introduction to Planning, ENSP 315 - Environmental Impact Reporting, ENSP 404 - Environmental Law, ENSP 415 - Land Use Law, ENSP 416 - Environmental Planning, ENSP 418 - Planning for Sustainable Communities
- Water-Related Research: My research and professional interests are planning and regulation for sustainable development, growth management, property rights and environmental regulation, and development “impact” fees.
- Water-Related Community Connections: The Institute for Community Planning Assistance (ICPA) is a non-profit research center sponsored by the Department of Environmental Studies and Planning at Sonoma State University. The main purposes of ICPA are:
- To engage in community service by making needed services available to local agencies at low-cost
- To provide a mechanism for faculty and student research in the areas of community and environmental planning
- To further the education and professional development of planning students by complementing their classroom and internship experience
- To provide financial assistance in the form of wages to student employees who are hired on an as-needed basis to fill various research and support roles.
- Studies undertaken by ICPA are directed by University faculty who often donate the majority of their services. Student Assistants are carefully screened in order to match skills and interests with the unique needs of each project. The Institute has been extremely busy in the last few years, employing ten students while handling almost $250,000 in contracts with local non-profits and governments. Sample projects include the Keller Canyon Property Valuation Study (Contra Costa County), Design Guidelines for Crow Canyon Area (City of San Ramon), a Petaluma Tree Inventory, and a Napa County Sign Inventory.
Sara Kassis

Adjunct Professor, Department of Engineering Science; Faculty Fellow for Immersive Learning; Director for Women in Tech
- Contact Information: (707) 664-2030; sara.kassis@sonoma.edu
- Area of Water Expertise:
- Water-Related Courses Taught:
- Water-Related Research:
- Water-Related Community Connections:
Justine Law

Assistant Professor, Hutchins School of Liberal Studies
- Contact: (707) 664-3853; lawj@sonoma.edu
- Area of Water Expertise: Restoration and Ecology, I am a human-environment geographer with an overarching interest in the politics of natural resource management. My research focuses on the ecological management practices of rural communities—particularly those in forested regions of North America. My other research and teaching interests include: political ecology, climate change, conservation, novel ecology, and science studies.
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Political Ecology (LIBS 320B), Climate Change and Society (LIBS 320B), The Human Enigma (LIBS 101), Challenge of Response in the Modern World (LIBS 202)
Ruth LeBlanc
Director for Environmental Health and Safety; Chair, Chemical Safety Committee
- Contact Information: (707) 664-3583, ruth.leblanc@sonoma.edu
- Area of Expertise: Safety program management and implementation, environmental program management and implementation
- Water-Related Responsibilities: Storm water permitting; improving storm water quality and keeping trash out of water systems on campus; getting students involved in running campus facilities and caring about the environment
Claudia Luke

Director Center for Environmental Inquiry
- Contact: 707-536-8915; claudia.luke@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Regulation, management-academic collaborations (habitat connectivity, fire management, coastal grassland restoration), environmental permitting, place-based education, protected lands management
- Water-Related Responsibilities: As Director of the Center for Environmental Inquiry, I develop programs that encourage research and educational activities in watersheds surrounding our Preserves: Fairfield Osborn Preserve - Laguna de Santa Rosa Watershed; Los Guilicos Preserve - Sonoma Creek Watershed, and Galbreath Wildlands Preserve - Navarro River Watershed.
- Water-Related Community Connections: WATERS Collaborative Coordinator, Board Member Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation, Founding Member of SEEC (Sonoma Environmental Education Collaborative), Participant North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative
Bogdan Negru

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
- Contact: 707 664-2157; negru@sonoma.edu
- Areas of Expertise: nanotechnology, Raman spectroscopies, and chemical education
- Water-Related Research: Educational Chemistry projects such as Water Acidification with Cabbage Juice and Carbon Dioxide, Boiling Water in a Paper Cup, and Osmosis Demonstration
Nadiya Parekh

Associate Professor, Management, School of Business and Economics
- Contact Information: (707) 664-2854; parekhn@sonoma.edu
- Area of Expertise: entrepreneurship & Financing Issues, sustainability of microfinance models, crowdfunding technologies & cross-cultural issues, impact investment & social finance, inclusive finance business models & policies, spirituality in inclusive business designs
- Water-Related Community Connections: Dr. Parekh worked with students as part of the Rising Waters Initiative to investigate the "wicked problem" of homelessness and water quality and how businesses can contribute to solutions.
Mark Perri

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
- Contact: (707) 664-2440; mark.perri@sonoma.edu; no website
- Area of Water Expertise: Water Quality and Technology, atmospheric chemistry; water quality
- Water-Related Courses Taught: General Chemistry with Quantitative Analysis (CHEM 125B)
- Water-Related Research: We study chemistry that takes place in our atmosphere, as well as anthropogenic influences on our local watershed, e.g. nitrate, phosphate, dissolved oxygen, and hydrocarbons.
Nathan Rank

Professor, Department of Biology
- Contact: (707) 664-3053; rank@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Restoration and Ecology, Riparian entomology, water-borne plant pathogen Phytophthora ramorum (Sudden Oak Death)
- Water-Related Courses Taught: A Watershed Year FYE (SCI 120); Entomology (BIOL 323)
- Water-Related Research: I study ecological interactions among plants, herbivores and pathogens; the adaptive significance of genetic variation in natural populations of insects; and effects of invasive species on native ecological communities. Ongoing work focuses on the invasive pathogenPhytophthera ramorum, which has spread through Sonoma County woodlands since 2000.
- Water-Related Community Connections: I am working with Goldridge, Southern Sonoma, and Sotoyome RCDs to engage Science 120/121 students in water-related projects.
Emily Ray
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
- Contact: (707) 664-2731 emily.ray@sonoma.edu
- Area of Water Expertise: Culture and Policy, Environmental Politics, Environmental Political Theory, Natural Resource and Land-use Conflicts, Environmental Movements; Public Policy
- Water-Related Courses Taught: POLS 302: Social Science Research Methods
- Water-Related Research: Her research centers on natural resource disputes, the political economy of resource use, and how to build a theory of collective environmental responsibility.
- Water-Related Community Connections:
Jeffrey Reeder
Professor of Spanish/Advisor & Department Chair, Department of Modern Languages Literature; Spanish Program Coordinator; Chair of the Senate
- Contact Information: (707) 664-4268; jeffrey.reeder@sonoma.edu, website
- Area of Expertise: Curricular and programmatic development in language education
- Water-Related Research: Dr. Reeder advised student work on a project called "The Home of the Native Americans - American Canyon Wetlands" on tribes living in the Napa Valley and along the lower Napa River who relied on hunting ducks, geese, and waterfowl, and whose way of life was changed by the arrival of Spanish and Mexican explorers in the late 1700s.
Wendy St. John

Lecturer, Department of Geography, Environment and Planning, and Department of Biology
- Contact: (707) 664-3835; stjohnw@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Restoration and Ecology, conservation, ecology, invasive species, aquatic vertebrates
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Conservation Biology (ENSP 322); Restoration Ecology (ENSP 423) restoration student blog; A Watershed Year (SCI 120); Global Environmental Issues (ENSP 200)
- Water-Related Research: My research focuses on the behavioral ecology and conservation of western pond turtles.. I also offer service learning opportunities for Entomology students, sampling benthic macroinvertebrates to assess water quality in the stretch of creek that runs through campus.
- Water-Related Community Connections: My water-related activities include collaborations with the Americorps Watershed Stewards Program, the Sonoma County Water Agency, and the Conservation Corps North Bay to carry out restoration work along Copeland Creek, and to monitor the effectiveness of management practices. I serve on the Board of The Wildlife Society, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter. Other groups I work with include the Sonoma Land Trust, Nature Conservancy, Presidio Trust, and the Laguna Foundation.
Mohamed Salem

Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Science
- Contact Information: (707) 664-3543; mohamed.salem@sonoma.edu; Homepage
- Area of Expertise: electromagnetic waves propagation and scattering, antennas, and RF and microwave devices
- Water-Related Research:
Martha Shott

Assistant Professor, Department of Math and Statistics
- Contact: (707) 664-2909; shott@sonoma.edu
- Area of Expertise: Techniques, Applied Mathematics
- Water-Related Courses Taught: MATH 470 Mathematical and Statistical Modeling; SCI 120 A Watershed Year First Year Experience
- Water-Related Community Connections: I work with staff and data from the Center for Environmental Inquiry to engage my students in predicting extreme rainfall events in the Copeland Creek watershed
Bulent Sokmen

Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology
- Contact: (707) 664-2789; sokmen@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Techniques, exercise physiology
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Physiology of Exercise (KIN 360)
- Water-Related Research: I developed KIN 360 to explore the value of wershed restoration for enhancing physiological processes.
- Water-Related Community Connections: As part of KIN 360, I am working with the City of Rohnert Park, Center for Environmental Inquiry, and the Sonoma County Water Agency.
Daniel Soto

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Environment and Planning
- Contact: (707) 664-4202; sotod@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Techniques, energy efficiency and generation
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Energy, Technology, and Society (ENSP 330)
- Water-Related Research: My teaching interests are in energy efficiency and energy generation. The potential for energy efficient technologies and approaches to improve human wellbeing motivates my research. I enjoy teaching both large-scale issues involving energy and analysis of small-scale energy systems. My interests are applicable to local watershed initiatives that use remote sensor deployment to gather and transmit data.
- Water-Related Community Connections: I am currently working on Center for Environmental Inqury's' Osborn sensor network to supply data from the headwaters of Copeland Creek to downstream areas in need of information on flooding conditions.
David Sul
Lecturer, Department of Political Science
- Contact Information: david.sul@sonoma.edu, website
- Area of Expertise: professional measurement and evaluation; culturally responsive practices, processes and systems; working with communities to design, develop and utilize their own data structures
- Water-Related Community Connections: Dr. Sul worked on a project with students as part of the Rising Waters Initiative on developing a “resource map” for individuals experiencing homelessness using QGIS, enabling users to load photos and update the map with real-time conditions in the field.
John Sullins

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
- Contact: (707) 664-2277; john.sullins@sonoma.edu; sullins website
- Area of Water Expertise: Culture and Policy, philosophy of technology, philosophical issues of artificial intelligence/robotics, cognitive science, philosophy of science, engineering ethics, and computer ethics
- Water-Related Courses Taught: PHIL 301 Philosophy of Science and Technology
- Water-Related Research: My recent research interests are founded in the technologies of Robotics, AI and Artificial Life and how they inform traditional philosophical topics on the questions of life and mind as well as its impact on society and the ethical design of successful autonomous machines. My work also crosses into human interaction with environment, such as water, and the use of computer simulations in studying the evolution of morality.
- Water-Related Community Connections: Center for Environmental Inquiry, SCWA
Richard Whitkus

Professor, Department of Biology
- Contact: (707) 664-2303; whitkus@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Restoration and Ecology, plant biology; plant genetics and evolution; floristics
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Plant Biology (BIOL 329); Plant Taxonomy (BIOL 330)
- Water-Related Research: Systematics and evolutionary genetics of plants; biology and evolution of sedges
- Water-Related Community Connections: Involved in the California Native Plant Society and Botanical Society of California.
Nansong Wu

Associate Professor, Department of Engineering
- Contact: (707) 664-4020; wun@sonoma.edu
- Areas of Expertise: electrical engineering, engineering management, wireless sensor networks, low-power wide-area networks, and FPGA design
- Water-Related Research: Using Low-Cost Conductivity Sensors to Measure Salinity at Russian River Estuary, Automatic Unmanned Surface Vehicle-Based Water Quality Monitoring System, Understanding Turbidity of Water and its Social and Economic Impact
Mackenzie Zippay

Associate Professor, Department of Biology; Biology Graduate Program Coordinator
- Contact: (707) 664-4349; zippay@sonoma.edu
- Areas of Expertise: Environmental Physiology/Eco-Physiology; Comparative Physiology; Climate Change Biology; Marine Invertebrates; Biophysical Modeling
- Water-Related Research: How Hot is Too hot? Bull Kelp’s Response to Climate Change
Former Sonoma State Faculty and Staff
Julie Bright

Department of Biology
- Contact: (707) 664-2717; bright@sonoma.edu
- Area of Water Expertise: Restoration and Ecology, Riparian restoration, environmental biology
- Water-Related Courses Taught: UNIV 102 Global Issues Freshman Interest Group: Learning Service Project, Fall 2011, Copeland Creek restoration/community water issues.
- Water-Related Community Connections: Member, SSU Copeland Creek Committee, which monitors and coordinates activities to protect biodiversity in the creek corridor on campus. Advisor (1999-2011), Friends of Copeland Creek, a student club that works on removing invasive species from Copeland Creek and restoring native vegetation.
Caroline E. Christian

Department of Environmental Studies and Planning
- Contact Information:
- Area of Water Expertise: Population & Community Ecology; Conservation Biology and Planning; Restoration Ecology, and Invasion Biology.
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Applied Ecology
- Water-Related Research: Copeland Creek Riparian Restoration
Craig Dawson

Director of Energy / Environmental Health and Safety
- Contact: (707) 664-2932; craig.dawson@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Regulation, Regulatory knowledge related to Copeland Creek channel activities. Experience managing restoration projects in the creek channel. Knowledgeable about the influence that Sonoma State University activities has on creek flows.
- Water-Related Responsibilities: Oversight responsibility for campus drinking water, reclaimed water, and stormwater programs. Primary campus liaison for agencies such as Fish & Game, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, Army Corps of Engineers as related to the campus environment and Copeland Creek. Responsibility for maintaining minimum hydraulic capacity in the portion of Copeland Creek the flows across the SSU campus to avoid flooding.
- Water-Related Community Connections: I am a member of the the Rohnert Park Watershed/ Creek Master Planning Committee Member and serve on SSU's Copeland Creek Advisory Committee
Robert Girling

Department of Business Administration
- Contact: (510) 548-8340, girling@sonoma.edu; girling website
- Area of Water Expertise: Culture and Policy, Sustainability; Business Strategy; Social Entrepreneurship; International Business
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Sustainable Business Strategies; International Business: Global Sustainability and Entrepreneurship; Leading Sustainable Enterprises
- Water-Related Community Connections: Sustainable Enterprise Conference, Sustainable North Bay; Board of Directors Bay Area Green Tours.
- Publications: The Good Company: Sustainability in Hospitality, Tourism and Wine [Business Expert Press; 2016]
Robin Glas

Assistant Professor, Department of Geology
- Contact Information: 707-664-3947; glas@sonoma.edu
- Area of Water Expertise: Hydrology
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Science 120
- Water-Related Community Connections: Hosted middle school student for a hydrology lab during SST's second annual Tinker Academy
- Water-Related Research: Hydrogeology of an alpine talus aquifer: Cordillera Blanca, Peru; student research on "How do Different Riparian Factors Affect the Stream Temperature in Copeland Creek?"
Heidi LaMoreaux

Hutchins School of Liberal Studies
- Contact: (707) 664-3184, lamoreau@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Techniques, Science teacher education
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Exploring the Unknown (LIBS 201); Challenge and Response in the Modern World (LIBS 202); Individual and the Material World (LIBS 320B) which includes topics on Terrain; Science Certification in Projects WET, WILD and Learning Tree; Caves; Gaia; Lakes and Inland Seas; and Connecting with the Natural Community.
- Water-Related Research: In the past, I have done research on peat bogs and caves in the Southeastern United States, that included pollen counting, charcoal analysis and sediment diagramming. I am particularly interested in the intersections of art, science, creative writing, and mapping.
- Water-Related Community Connections: I teach Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) for science teacher education in LIBS 320B “Science Certification in Projects WET, WILD and Learning Tree” and am a founding member of the Sonoma County Environmental Discovery Center.
Mads Lynnerup

Lecturer, Arts Department, SSU
- Contact: madslynnerup@gmail.com; website
- Area of Expertise: Culture and Policy, artist
- Water-Related Courses Taught: ARTS 336-001 Advanced Sculpture
- Water-Related Community Connections: I worked with Center for Environmental Inquiry on a sculpture project at the Fairfield Osborn Preserve that explored the interaction between art and environment.
Michael Moore

Department of Geography, Environment and Planning
- Contact: (707) 664-2414; mooremik@sonoma.edu;
- Area of Water Expertise: Culture and Policy, public sector planning
- Water-Related Courses Taught: ENSP 315 - Environmental Impact Assessment, ENSP 411A - Planning Workshop Fall, ENSP 411B - Planning Workshop Spring
- Water-Related Research: water use planning with SSU Sustainable Community Center
- Water-Related Community Connections: Mike Moore concluded a 34-year career as a public sector planner in 2014. During most of that time he was the Planning and Building Director for the Cities of Sonoma and Mill Valley and the Community Development Director for the City of Petaluma. Currently. He is currently a planning consultant for DVC Group in Sonoma County and provides on-call contract planning services through the Berkeley office of MIG, Inc. Mike is a member of the California Planning Roundtable and a volunteer helping teach U.S. Citizenship classes in Santa Rosa, CA.
Jeremy Qualls

Department of Physics
- Contact: (707) 484-9269; quallsj@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Water Quality and Technology, freshman course development focused on watershed issues; hydrophilic material development; thermodynamics (towards heat systems and cryogenics); air to water collection methods with low electrical footprints; novel filtration methods of air and water
- Water-Related Courses Taught (if applicable): A Watershed Year FYE (SCI 120)
- Water-Related Research: Current water related research involves novel methods to harvest water from the air and developing new hydrophilic nanofibers.
- Water-Related Community Connections: If bulk air to water methods are successful, community partners will be needed to test implement large water collectors in various locations around the region.
Russ Scarola

Hutchins School of Liberal Studies
- Contact: (707) 235-4883; rscarola@gmail.com
- Area of Water Expertise: Water Quality and Technology, chemistry; art and science integration
- Water-Related Courses Taught (if applicable): LIBS 202 Challenge and Response in the Modern World
- Water-Related Community Connections: As part of LIBS 202, I lead the class in water quality monitoring of Copeland Creek. I'm also active in The Share Exchange and serve as Chir of the Board of Directors for the Santa Rosa Tool Library.
Lynn Stauffer

Dean, School of Science & Technology
- Contact: (707) 664-2171; lynn.stauffer@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Techniques, education; engaging students in water-related service learning projects
- Water-Related Responsibilities: I am Lead PI on the NSF-funded Science 120/121 course. Starting in Fall 2012, SSU began its pioneer STEM-oriented freshman year experience: Science 120 "Sustainability in My World". This twelve-credit, year-long course (Science 121 in the Spring) for first-time freshmen immerses students in real world issues of water-related issues and management challenges through hands-on work. These include outdoor field experiences in the Copeland Creek Watershed on campus, at the Center for Environmental Inquiry preserves, and at sites with community partner projects. By design, it is an integrated course for students exploring their interest in the environment and considering a science major . Through real-world problem solving done in collaboration with faculty, peer mentors, and community partners, students will learn biological principles, mathematical reasoning, and critical thinking skills. These skills will be directly utilized to help understand and address global issues in the context of our local environment and Sonoma County's watersheds.
- Water-Related Community Connections: We are engaging our students in water-related community partner projects. Community partners include the Sonoma County Water Agency, Sotoyome, Goldridge and Southern Sonoma Resource Conservation Districts, and the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation.
Tamas Torok

Visiting Professor from Lawrence Berkeley Labs, Department of Biology
- Contact:
- Area of Water Expertise: Water Quality and Technology, microbial diversity in extreme environments
- Water-Related Courses Taught: BIOL 240 General Microbiology
- Water-Related Community Connections: I worked with the Center for Environmental Inqury and Mike Cohen to incorporate bacteria monitoring study of campus ponds into the General Microbiology course.
Laura Waters

Assistant Professor, Department of Geology
- Contact: (707) 664-3546; watersla@sonoma.edu;
- Area of Water Expertise: Hydrology, applied thermodynamics, petrology, oxidation, crystallization, experimental geochemistry
- Water-Related Community Connections: My students and I are working at the Fairfield Osborn Preserve in the upper Copeland Creek watershed to study the relationship between geology and landslides
Laura A. Watt

Professor, Department of Geography, Environment and Planning
- Contact: (707) 664-2722; laura.watt@sonoma.edu; website
- Area of Water Expertise: Culture and Policy, environmental history, policy, and planning, particularly regarding public lands management and restoration
- Water-Related Courses Taught: Environmental History (ENSP 307); Environmental Planning (ENSP 416); Landscape History of the American West (ENSP 421); Restoration and Society (ENSP 425)
- Water-Related Research: My long-term research agenda is to explore the history of protected landscapes to bolster their long-term sustainability in terms of both natural and cultural systems. In contrast to most land policy research, I use landscape as a tool for understanding the complex interactions between people and their environments, tracking historical changes in protected areas as indicators of shifting social dynamics and structures. A firm grounding in property theory contributes to my interest in the interplay between public and private ownership in protecting rural landscapes.
- Water-Related Community Connections: Research work on Point Reyes National Seashore and the South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project; contract work as a planner with the Arcata (King Range) and Ukiah BLM offices
Sam Youney

- Contact: (707) 664-2103; sam.youney@sonoma.edu; no website
- Area of Water Expertise: Regulation, irrigation
- Water-Related Responsibilities: I am in charge of overseeing the irrigation of campus landscaping, including the use of reclaimed and domestic water for landscaping purposes.
- Water-Related Community Connections: I am a member of PAPA (the Pesticide Applicators Professional Association) and attend seminars with PAPA, the San Francisco Water Quality Control Board, and the Agricultural Consultant Association on how to keep pesticides from getting into our water resources.