Organizations, Agencies, Businesses
We partner with organizations, agencies and businesses on local environmental challenges, educational programs, land management initiatives, and research. To ensure that innovative ideas and practical solutions can be developed, our partnerships are characterized by inclusive, interdisciplinary conversations that engage people of all ages, backgrounds, disciplines, and sectors of society. Importantly, by working together, we can cultivate an informed and diverse workforce with experience addressing emerging challenges.
Partner with Us
Contact us about collaborating on:
Local Challenges: CEI can help you with an emerging challenge. We recruit faculty and students across disciplines to undertake the investigations you need to take action. Contact us about a specific need, or join one of our Education into Action Steering Committees focused on water, fire, forests, or land management.
Environmental Education: Interested in partnering on educational programs? We partner with:
- Classes and teachers on K-12 programs
- Organizations, agencies, universities on Training programs
- Experts and community leaders on public Tours, Events & Workshops
- Field stations and marine laboratories on virtual field trips: The Virtual Field
Land Management: CEI collaborates on regional management initiatives and engages trained student teams to take on ecosystem restoration challenges throughout the North Bay. Our Eco Edge Education into Action program engages faculty and students in achieving land management goals and creating demonstration projects on 4,200 acres of SSU preserves and gardens.
Research: CEI actively encourages research in all disciplines at SSU preserves and gardens. Make a reservation to scope out a project on SSU lands or apply for a CEI Grant to support a project.
Leading Partners
Leading partners provide long-term support, guidance and ideas for regional initiatives, educational programs, land management, or research initiatives. Without their support and collaboration, many of CEI programs and accomplishments would not be possible.

- Advisory Committee of California Interagency Council on Homelessness
- Anderson Valley Fire Department
- Anderson Valley Land Trust
- Apis Arborea
- Appreciating Earth
- Archbold Biological Station
- Arizona State University
- Ashland University
- Atlas Vineyard Management
- Audubon Canyon Ranch
- Audubon Canyon Ranch, Living with Lions
- Barnard College
- Baywork
- Bell Springs Fire Department
- Bennett Valley Community Association
- Bijagual Ecological Reserve
- Bodega Marine Reserve
- Cal Poly Swanton Pacific Ranch
- California Geologic Survey
- California Indian Museum and Cultural Center
- California Naturalist
- California State Parks
- Chemeketa Community College
- City College San Francisco
- City of Rohnert Park
- City of Santa Rosa
- Clear Lake Environmental Research Center
- CNPS Milo Baker Chapter
- Colby College
- Community Soil Foundation
- Comptche Volunteer Fire Department
- Contra Costa Resource Conservation District
- Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District
- Covelo Fire Protection District
- Credo High School
- Deering Estate
- di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art
- East Bay Regional Park District
- Eel River Recovery Project
- Eldorado National Forest
- Ethos Environmental (a nonprofit)
- Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria
- Fire Forward
- Firewise Anderson Springs
- Forestry Reciprocity Group
- Friends of the Library, Rohnert Park
- Friends of the Mark West Watershed
- Golden State Land Conservancy
- Grant Elementary
- Greenbelt Alliance
- Hatfield Marine Science Center
- Herring Gut Coastal Science Center
- Hunter College - NYC
- Inform Evaluation & Research
- Keene State College
- Keysight Industries
- La Tercera Elementary
- Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
- Lake County Resource Conservation District
- LandPaths
- Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon
- Latino Outdoors
- League of Women Voters Sonoma County chapter
- Listening for a Change
- Livingston Sound
- Madrone Audubon Society
- Madrone Elementary
- Marin County Office of Education
- Mark West Elementary
- Matanzas Elementary
- Mendocino County Fire Safe Council
- Mendocino County Library - Round Valley
- Mendocino County Prescribed Burn Association
- Mendocino Redwood Company
- Mendocino County Resource Conservation District
- Mendocino Unified School District ***
- Monte Vista Elementary
- Mount Holyoke College
- Napa Communities Firewise Foundation
- Napa County Prescribed Burn Association
- Napa County Resource Conservation District
- National Audubon Society
- National Outdoor Leadership School
- Navarro Area Fire Safe Council
- North Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
- North Coast Opportunities
- North Park Veterinary Clinic
- Northern Mendocino Ecosystem Recovery Alliance
- Northern Sonoma County Fire Dist
- Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District
- Notre Dame de Demur University
- Oak Grove Elementary
- Occidental Arts & Ecology Center
- Old Adobe Elementary
- Orange County Public Schools
- Pacific Gas & Electric
- Pacific Watershed Associates
- Pathways Charter School
- Pepperwood Preserve
- Pine Mountain Fire Safe Council
- Pollinator Partnership
- Portland Community College
- Potter Valley Fire Department
- Proctor Terrace Elementary
- Rancho Adobe Fire District
- RCPA Climate Advisory Committee
- Recology of Sonoma/Marin
- Red Rancheria LLC
- Redwood Adventist
- Refill Mercantile LLC
- ReLeaf Petaluma
- Richard Crane Elementary
- Ridgewood Fire Safe Council
- Roseland Creek Elementary
- Round Valley Prescribed Burn Association
- Russian River Watershed Association
- Russian Riverkeeper
- Sacramento State University
- Safari West Wild Animal Park
- Santa Rosa Junior College
- Savannah State University
- Sheppard Accelerated Elementary
- Skagit Valley College
- Sacramento Municipal Utility District
- Sonoma County Agricultural & Open Space District
- Sonoma County Gazette
- Sonoma County Library
- Sonoma Ecology Center
- Sonoma Land Trust
- Sonoma Mountain Institute
- Sonoma Mountain Preservation
- Sonoma State University
- Sonoma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency Advisory Committee
- Sonoma Water
- South Ukiah Rotary Club Environmental Committee
- Strawberry Elementary
- The Dalton Homeschool
- The Evergreen State College
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Nature Conservancy's Center for Conservation Initiatives
- Thompson Water Resource Consulting
- Town of Windsor
- UC Berkeley Grizzly Corps Program
- UC Davis
- UC Master Gardener Program of Lake County
- UC Merced
- UC Agriculture and Natural Resources
- UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Master Gardener of Sonoma County
- UCCE Sonoma
- UCCE Sonoma Sudden Oak Death Outreach Program
- University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Arctic Biology
- University of Alaska Fairbanks, Toolik Field Station
- University of Kansas, Kansas Biological Survey Field Station
- University of Kansas Field Station
- University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- University of The Bahamas
- Upper Mark West Fire Safe Council
- USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service
- West County Health Services
- Wildcare
- Wilding Landscapes
- Wildlife Society
- Wilmar Union Elementary
- Woodland Star Elementary
- Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
- Yorkville Community Benefits Association
- Yorkville Fire Safe Council
- Zero Waste Sonoma
- Zone 7 Water Agency
*list last updated October 2024