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Land Management

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Fairfield Osborn Preserve: Land Management

Osborn Land Management Data & Reports
Cultural Resource Management PlanMaster's Thesis by Kyle Rabellino identifying management guidelines for cultural resources. Cultural site locations redactedOsborn Cultural Management Resource Plan
Yellow Star ThistleStudent projects assessing impactssee Search Projects. Search on "thistle"


Galbreath Wildlands Preserve: Land Management

Galbreath Land Management Data & Reports
Timber Harvest PlansCalFire Timber Harvest Plans for timber harvesting at the Galbreath Preserve. Timber harvesting was discontinued in 2000. For locations of THPs between 2988 and 2000, see GIS-based map of CalFire Timber Harvest Plans at Preserve and in watershed
Galbreath Special Status Species AssessmentA GIS-based assessment of the potential for 110 species status species to occur on preserve lands. See Galbreath Special Status Species Assessment project description
Galbreath Cultural Resource PlanMaster's Thesis by Stacey Zolnosky identifying management guidelines for cultural resources. Cultural site locations redacted.Galbreath Cultural Resource Plan
Riparian Restoration Planting PlanMendocino County Resource Conservation District Planting plan, images, and habitat descriptions for creek near preserve entrance
Document: galbreath_planting_plan_final.pdf (3.38 MB)
Road ImprovementsGalbreath roads are a demonstration site for best management practices in reducing erosion. Reports prescribe site-specific treatments
Pig SurveysStudent projects assessing pig impactssee Search Projects. Enter "pigs" in search field

Los Guillicos Preserve: Land Management

None available