Maps & Spatial Data

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Fairfield Osborn Preserve: Maps & Spatial Data

Osborn Printable Maps
Maps Description Download
Overview Boundaries, trails, facilities PDF icon Osborn Preserve Map
On-line Interative Map Make your own map with on-line GIS of Preserve (boundaries, trails, hydrology, hillshade, etc.) Osborn On-line GIS
Aerial Imagery High-resolution aerial images from April 2013. Preserve is broken into 18 PDFs with formats for printing or screen use. CEI Data Archive: Osborn Preserve Atlas
Topography Hillshade derived from LiDAR flown  in April 2013. Preserve is broken into 18 PDFs with formats for printing or screen use. CEI Data Archive: Osborn Preserve Atlas
Vegetation Height and Tree Crown Vegetation height and individual tree canopy size derived from LiDAR flown April 2013. Preserve is broken into 18 PDFs with formats for printing or screen use. For details of tree crown calculations: Osborn LiDAR 2013 Technical Data Report CEI Data Archive: Osborn Preserve Atlas


Osborn Spatial Data & Aerial Imagery
Data Description Download
Raw LiDAR Point files (LAS) from LiDAR flown April 2013. Sub-centimeter resolution. For further details: Osborn LiDAR 2013 Technical Data Report CEI Data Archive: Osborn LiDAR Point Files 2013
Digital Elevation Models 0.25 meter resolution bare earth DEM in ESRI grid format from LiDAR flown April 2013. For further details: Osborn LiDAR 2013 Technical Data Report CEI Data Archive: Osborn Bare-Earth LiDAR DEM 2013
Elevation Contours 1-foot resolution elevation contours in AutoCAD DWG and ESRI shapefile format from LiDAR flown April 2013. For further details: Osborn LiDAR 2013 Technical Data Report CEI Data Archive: Osborn Elevation Contours 2013
Landslides and Slumps Erosional features (scarp or high slope, translocated earth
or hummocky topography) interpreted from bare earth hillshade at 1:1000 scale using LiDAR flown April 2013. For further details: Osborn LiDAR 2013 Technical Data Report
CEI Data Archive: Osborn Geomorphic Landforms 2013
Vegetation Height 0.25 meter resolution vegetation height DEM in ESRI grid format from LiDAR flown April 2013. For further details: Osborn LiDAR 2013 Technical Data Report CEI Data Archive: Osborn Vegetation Height 2013
Tree Crown and Biomass Estimates Estimates of tree crown and biomass using proprietary algorithms by Quantum Spatial. For further details: Osborn LiDAR 2013 Technical Data Report CEI Data Archive: Osborn Tree Crown and Biomass 2013
Orthophotos: Georeferenced Remote Imagery  3-inch resolution GeoTIFFs April 2013. For further details: Osborn LiDAR 2013 Technical Data Report CEI Data Archive: Osborn Orthophotos 2013


Galbreath Wildlands Preserve: Maps & Spatial Data

Galbreath Printable Maps
Maps Description Download
Overview Orientation map for the preserve PDF icon Galbreath Preserve Map
Vegetation Based on USFS vegetation data PDF icon Galbreath Vegetation Map
Topography LiDAR-derived topography
Historic Sites -- see Cultural Resources
Timber Harvest Plans -- see Land Management


Galbreath Spatial Data & Aerial Imagery
Data Description Download
LiDAR Point files (LAS) from LiDAR flown 2015  CEI Data Archive: Galbreath LiDAR Point Files 2015
Digital Elevation Models Bare earth DEM in ESRI grid format from LiDAR flown 2015  CEI Data Archive: Galbreath Bare Earth LiDAR DEMs 2015
Topographic Contours  1-foot elevation contours in AutoCAD DWG and ESRI shapefile formats from LiDAR flown 2015. Data Extent files (CAD and ESRI) identify how topographic tiles fit together and the extent of the LiDAR data.


Los Guillicos Preserve: Maps & Spatial Data

Los Guillicos Printable Maps
Maps Description Download
Overview Orientation map for the preserve  

SSU Campus: Maps & Spatial Data

See Regional Maps & Spatial Data 

Regional Maps & Spatial Data

Regional Printable Maps
Data Description Download
Navarro Watershed (Galbreath) Navarro watershed hillshade, slope and vegetation showing location of Galbreath Wildlands Preserve


Location Information Needed to Search Sites in "Regional Spatial Data & Aerial Imagery Table"
Preserve / Campus Entrance Latitude / Longitude Bounding Box USGS 7.5 minute Quad
Osborn Preserve 38°20'36.02"N / 122°35'40.97" Preserve SW corner is 38°20'8.69"N, 122°36'7.57"W. Preserve NE corner is 38°21'28.03"N, 122°35'2.41"W Santa Rosa
Galbreath Preserve 38°50'58.25"N / 123°14'37.71"W Preserve SW corner is 38°50'42.13"N, 123°16'8.04"W. Preserve NE corner is 38°53'48.68"N, 123°14'44.77"W .  Ornbaun Valley (536A), Yorkville (535B), Big Foot Mountain (535C), and Gube Mountain (536D)
Los Guillicos Preserve 38°26'36.77"N / 38°26'36.77"N Preserve SW corner is 38°26'37.60"N, 122°34'31.62"W. Preserve NE corner is  38°26'47.12"N, 122°34'12.06"W Santa Rosa
SSU Campus 38°20'18.60"N / 122°40'29.35"W   Cotati

Regional Spatial Data & Aerial Imagery
Data Description Download
Spatial Data - Sonoma County Sonoma County orthophotos, scanned imagery, DOQs, and NAIP from 1942, 1993, 2000, 2004, 2007-11, 2013, 2014, 2016; County-wide topography, vegetation, land cover, hydrology, fire boundaries, and imagery Sonoma County Vegetation Mapping & LiDAR
Spatial Data- Mendocino County The portal includes land use data, parcel viewer, roads, coastal zones, wetlands, soils, fire risk, tree removal areas. Mendocino County Geoportal
Vegetation - California GIS data from the USFS CalVeg. Invasive plant data from the California Invasive Plant Council. Area-specific plant species list from Calflora. 
Spatial Data - State California Geoportal Includes interactive GIS and searchable databases. California Protected Area database includes polygons for lands owned in fee and designated as open spaces. CalAdapt includes spatial data for climate change projections in California including wildfire risk, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events. 
Spatial Data - National National databases are searchable by location and include topographic maps, elevation, hydrography, imagery, historic maps, and transportation. File formats include ESRI shapefiles. Remote imagery includes NAIP, NDOP, NAPP, NHAP, NRCS, FSA and NRCS.
Citizen Science Data Export point data from iNaturalist projects. (Sign-in required)   iNaturalist export tool
Historic Topo Maps - National Historic USGS topo maps 1916 to present. Get Maps - National Geologic Map Database - USGS