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The Center archives environmental inquiry projects conducted by SSU students. Launched in 2010, the archive now contains results from over 140 student projects on a wide range of topics. We provide abstracts, research methods, results and data sets where possible. 

Student collecting soil sample
Characterization and causes of soil compaction

2016 - 2018

Faculty: Nathan Rank, Martha Shott, Jeremy Qualls, Wendy St. John, Melina Kozanitas

Partners: Crane Creek Regional Park

Western pond turtle
Impact of invasive species on the western pond turtle


Faculty: Wendy St. John, Melina Kozanitas, Nathan Rank, Martha Shott

shallow lake covered in aquatic vegetation
Variation in arthropod diversity in aquatic habitats


Faculty: Derek Girman

Partners: Colusa National Wildlife Refuge

student standing in a pond with a net and bucket
Newt species identification


Faculty: Derek Girman

Partners: Sonoma Mountain Ranch Preservation Foundation

Student at lab bench identifying stomach contents
Diet comparison of invasive bull frogs


Faculty: Derek Girman

Waste treatment filters in a bucket
Winery wastewater treatment

2015 to present

Faculty: Michael Cohen

Partners: D’Argenzio Winery, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Lagunitas Brewery, Fogbelt Brewery, Osmosis Spa

Student collecting data along a hiking trail
Mitigating trail erosion at the Osborn Preserve

2014 to 2017

Faculty: Suzanne DeCoursey

Partners: Center for Environmental Inquiry

Soil samples being heated in a furnace
Carbon budget for Corte Madera marsh


Faculty: Michelle Goman

Student holding harvest mouse
Impacts of cattle grazing on grassland communities


Faculty: Derek Girman

Partners: Center for Environmental Inquiry, Sonoma Mountain Ranch Preservation Foundation

A field with grape vines
Sustainability of Sonoma County wineries


Faculty: Gillian Parker

Partners: Sonoma County Winegrowers