Past Events

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

river with low bank surrounded by trees

Building Resilience: Drought & Flood in the Russian River Watershed

12:00pm to 1:00pm

Watersheds are resilient when both humans and native species have reliable access to water during drought and when they recover quickly from flooding. At this event, we'll hear about the Copeland Creek Riparian Enhancement Project and its impact on groundwater recharge and flooding in the Santa Rosa Watershed, and Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) and its effect on managing water supplies for drought and flood. This is the first event in the 2021-22 North Bay Forward "Building Resilience" monthly speaker series, a year-long conversation to increase community collaboration on resilience to climate change. Watch recorded event here: Building Resilience: Drought & Flood in the Russian River Watershed, October 13, 2021

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

burned trees on a hill with debris

Deep Dive: What's Wrong with Fire-Safe Plant Lists

12:00pm to 1:00pm

We all want to take action to protect our homes from wildfire, but is landscaping with “fire-safe” plants the way to go? In this talk, we’ll explore the origin of fire-safe plant lists, the issues with the claims they make including research on the topic and lack thereof, and the practical problems the plant lists represent. We will then discuss ways to work around those problems, from both an individual homeowner’s perspective, and from a neighborhood perspective. Watch recorded event here: Deep Dive: What's Wrong with Fire-Safe Plant Lists, October 6, 2021

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

photos of a full lake in 2019 and empty lake in 2021

Deep Dive: Drought is Here - Now What?

6:00pm to 7:00pm

After two consecutive dry years, the Russian River Watershed is experiencing a historic drought. As a result, the water supply for a population of over 700,000 people along with farms and businesses is at historically low levels. As with other natural phenomena that directly impacts human populations and diverse communities in California, the question is: Can we do anything to prepare and deal with the lack of rain and its long-term variability?  Join us and learn what Sonoma Water is doing to deal with the drought and what all of us can do to help. Watch recorded event here: Deep Dive: Drought is Here - Now What? September 28, 2021

Monday, September 27, 2021

fotos de un lago lleno en 2019 y un lago vacío en 2021

Inmersión Profunda: La Sequía Está Aquí ¿Y Ahora Qué?

6:00pm to 7:00pm

Después de dos años consecutivos muy secos, la cuenca del río Russian River está en una sequía histórica. Como resultado, el suministro de agua potable para una población de más de 700,000 personas al igual que granjas y negocios, está en los niveles más bajos de su historia. Al igual que con otros fenómenos naturales que impactan directamente a poblaciones humanas y comunidades diversas en California, la pregunta es: ¿Hay algo que podamos hacer para prepararnos y lidiar con la falta de lluvia y su variabilidad a largo plazo? Lo invitamos a que se reúna con nosotros y aprenda lo que está haciendo Sonoma Water para lidiar con la sequía y lo que todos podemos hacer para ayudar. Mira el evento grabado aquí: Inmersión Profunda: La Sequía Está Aquí ¿Y Ahora Qué? 27 de septiembre de 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021

hands hold water as it pours out into river

Rising Waters: Water Quality & Homelessness - Results & Implementation Workshop

3:00pm to 5:00pm

As part of the "Rising Waters" initiative, this public results and implementation workshop presents the findings of three student research projects on the challenging intersection of environmental, social and economic factors that impact water quality. Last spring and summer, students worked with faculty mentors and community partners to study the nexus of homelessness and water quality issues, presenting preliminary findings at a virtual event on May 8th (watch recording here). Join us now to hear about final outcomes, ask questions, and provide input on how these results can be used to take action in our community, with the goal of finding new solutions that benefit people experiencing homelessness and ensure high water quality for everyone. Watch recorded event here: Rising Waters: Water Quality & Homelessness, Results & Implementation Workshop, September 24, 2021

Monday, September 20, 2021

hands hold scallops over a tub of water

Live from the Field: Impacts of Field Research on Society

1:00pm to 2:00pm

Bring researchers into your classroom and give students a window into the process of scientific inquiry. Join us for an informal chat with researchers whose field work directly impacts community members in California, Maine, and Ohio. Find out who they are, how they got interested in their research, and the scientific questions they are asking. Instructor Guide and Event Resources available. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

two women play ukuleles outside

Local Nature: Songwriting for the Earth

1:00pm to 2:00pm

Come share your love of nature through music! In this beginner’s Introduction, we’ll explore how songs are valuable teaching tools to spread awareness about environmental concerns and ideas, and we’ll provide an easy entry into the art of songwriting. After covering basic musical building blocks, we’ll take a few minutes to explore our own outside spaces for inspiration, then break into groups to write new lyrics to familiar melodies. Deepen your connection to nature through song, and help others do the same. Watch recorded event here: Local Nature: Songwriting for the Earth, September 17, 2021

Saturday, September 11, 2021

naturalists conversing in a field in front of trees

Fall Community Naturalist Program

10:00am to 4:00pm
Fairfield Osborn Preserve

Learn nature’s secrets and how to share them with others. Explore the stunning ecosystems of Sonoma Mountain in-person with university faculty and other experts. This four-day training will give you new insights into local landscapes and the skills to share your knowledge as you lead tours of SSU’s Osborn Preserve. Join a community working to eradicate Nature Deficit Disorder in the North Bay! Activities will be subject to change based on the most recent guidance about COVID safety. Become a Community Naturalist and help everyone acquire the skills to get “Environmentally Ready.”

Thursday, May 13, 2021

hands hold scallops over a tub of water

Live from the Field: Impacts of Field Research on Society

2:00pm to 3:00pm

Bring researchers into your classroom and give students a window into the process of scientific inquiry. Join us for an informal chat with researchers whose field work directly impacts community members in California, Maine, and Ohio. Find out who they are, how they got interested in their research, and the scientific questions they are asking. Instructor Guide and Event Resources available. Watch recorded event here: Live from the Field: Impacts of Field Research on Society, May 13, 2021 *If you are an instructor who used this for your class, please take this short survey

Saturday, May 8, 2021

hands hold water as it pours out into river

Deep Dive: Water & Homelessness

11:00am to 12:00pm

As part of a new "Rising Waters" initiative, this event showcases student research on the challenging intersection of environmental, social and economic factors that impact water quality. Over the last semester, students have worked with faculty mentors and community partners to study the nexus of homelessness and water quality issues. Come see three student teams present and answer questions about their mapping study, case study, and knowledge map, with the hope of finding new solutions that benefit people experiencing homelessness and ensure high water quality for everyone. Watch recorded event here: Deep Dive: Water & Homelessness, May 8, 2021
