Past Events

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Woman writing in notebook

Learn With a Naturalist: Patterns in Plant Lives

10:00am to 11:00am

Patterns in the lives of plants give us insights into climate change. By careful observation over years and through all seasons, researchers and volunteers at UC Davis’ Hopland Research and Extension Center are contributing to science on climate change and more through their studies of native Northern California plants. Learn about this growing field of study, called phenology, and how it can increase your appreciation of the plants around you while contributing to citizen science. Watch recorded event here: Learn with a Naturalist: Patterns in Plant Lives October 6, 2020

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Oak leaf, gall and acorn

Learn with a Naturalist: Who's Who in the Oaks

11:00am to 12:00pm

Have you ever wondered what kinds of oaks dot California’s golden hills and line our fertile valleys, providing our state’s most diverse habitats? Well, help is at hand. Author and naturalist Kate Marianchild will teach us to identify Northern California oaks by their acorns, cupules, leaves and galls. You will learn how to distinguish a valley oak from an Oregon oak from a blue oak. If time permits, Kate will share some cool facts about oaks, such as their co-evolutionary relationships with California scrub-jays and caterpillars. Watch recorded event here: Learn with a Naturalist: Who's Who in the Oaks October 1, 2020

Monday, September 28, 2020

Close-up of duckweed and other plants in a marsh

Local Nature: Intermediate Backyard Photography

10:00am to 11:30am

Let photography bring you closer to nature and inspire others! Turn-of-the-century photographs of western landscapes led to conservation action across the United States, while recent images of endangered bees and of polar bears living on dwindling resources inspire people to address environmental challenges. Following spring's popular beginner program, this class will go into more detail on how to engage with the variety of photography opportunities right in your backyard using your cellphone or digital camera. Come develop an eye for close-up and creative shots, turning even ordinary natural items into photos to enjoy. Rick will show you photography techniques to help you capture the changing light and seasons in your neighborhood, then there will be 20 minutes for you to take outdoor photos, followed by sharing photos and answering questions. Watch recorded event here: Local Nature: Intermediate Backyard Photography September 28, 2020

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Fir Borer Long Horned Beetle in the dark

Learn with a Naturalist: Insects After Dark

2:00pm to 3:00pm

We may think of insects as sun-loving creatures, but most are actually denizens of the night. These after-dark arthropods play a major role in California’s biodiversity and perform essential ecosystem services. Learn to tell the difference between the stutter-trilling field cricket and chaparral katydid and how to attract insects such as lace-wings, tree crickets and scarab beetles to your own yard for study, photography and citizen science. Watch recorded event here: Learn with a Naturalist: Insects After Dark September 24, 2020

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

a student holds a paddlefish on a boat and opens her mouth like it does

Live from the Field: Harmful Algal Blooms

11:00am to 12:00pm

Bring researchers into your classroom and give students a window into the process of scientific inquiry. Join us for an informal chat with researchers studying Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Kentucky, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Find out who they are, how they got interested in HABs and the research questions they are asking about HAB effects on freshwater ecosystems. Instructor’s guide available. Watch recorded event here: Live From the Field: Harmful Algal Blooms September 23, 2020 *If you are an instructor who used this for your class, please take this short survey

Monday, September 21, 2020

Feathers, berries, eggs, shells, cones, rodent skull, and wasp nest on a table

Learn with a Naturalist: Get Curious in the Outdoors

1:00pm to 2:00pm

Evidence of life and natural processes is everywhere when we're in the outdoors, and even in our urban and suburban everyday lives. But how do we really tune-in, learn more and make connections? What evidence of the natural world has piqued your interest? How do you begin to learn more about the objects you find:  feathers, eggs, seeds, cones, scat, tracks, bones, rocks, shells? Join us for an informal talk and conversation about how to more actively observe the natural objects you find, and discover resources to help you learn more about the plants and animals with whom we share our spaces. Watch recorded event here: Learn with a Naturalist: Get Curious in the Outdoors September 21, 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020

A painted landscape of a valley at sunset

Deep Dive: Shifts in Land Management

2:00pm to 3:00pm

How should we manage public land in California? Join us for one or both parts of this two-semester event series that seeks to explore the many facets of this question. In this first hour, we will use Yosemite and the Fairfield Osborn Preserve as case studies to outline major themes in the history of California land management, the philosophy of why that management was chosen, and its effects on California’s land. Watch recorded event here: Deep Dive: Shifts in Land Management, September 19, 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Una investigadora se encuentra en una playa frente a una tortuga marina

Inmersión Profunda: Tortugas Marinas y COVID-19

2:00pm to 3:00pm

¿El quedarnos en casa durante esta pandemia ayuda o perjudica el progreso que habíamos logrado de cuidar nuestros océanos? Acompáñanos a entender como la pandemia del COVID-19 ha creado dificultades para la conservación de los océanos, con un énfasis especial hacia la conservación de las tortugas marinas. Aprenderás acerca de estos magníficos animales, su historia de conservación, el rol tan importante que tienen en nuestros océanos, y cómo cada uno de nosotros podemos protegerlos en estos tiempos tan difíciles. Mira el evento grabado aquí:  Inmersión Profunda: Tortugas Marinas y COVID-19 el 17 de septiembre de 2020

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

A researcher stands atop a mountain in front of the sea

Deep Dive: Wildfire Links to Earthquakes

1:00pm to 2:00pm

Are you prepared for wildfires and earthquakes? Did you know that millions of years of earthquakes in Sonoma County created the topography that now directs wildfire paths? Come learn how climate conditions, tectonic setting, and human influence sets the stage for wildfires. To help you get ready for potential natural disasters, we’ll introduce you to websites and maps that can help you predict where earthquake damage will occur, and how and where wildfires may spread. The more you know, the better you are prepared, the calmer you will be when a disaster strikes. Watch recorded event here: Deep Dive: Wildfire Links to Earthquakes September 16, 2020

Sunday, September 13, 2020

naturalists learning in a field in front of trees

Fall Naturalist Program

10:00am to 11:00am

Learn nature’s secrets and help others get "Environmentally Ready!" Explore the stunning ecosystems of Sonoma Mountain with university faculty & other experts (virtually), with safe in-person access to Osborn Preserve. Become a naturalist to gain insights into local landscapes and the skills to share your knowledge.
