Past Events

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Turkey tail mushrooms on a moss-covered log

Osborn Mushroom Blitz

10:00am to 2:00pm
Fairfield Osborn Preserve

Wild mushrooms are indicators of soil and air quality, and support plant growth and communication. Join us for the 3rd annual mushroom blitz, traversing the Osborn Preserve collecting as many fungal species as we can find. As you build your identification and sustainable harvesting skills, you will add to the Center's research databases.  

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Los niños inclinados sobre un arroyo con pequeñas redes para atrapar animales

Comparte la Naturaleza con Niños (Share Nature with Kids)

9:30am to 1:00pm
Galbreath Wildlands Preserve

Vea la naturaleza a través de los ojos de los estudiantes de la escuela de verano Anderson Valley mientras exploramos los estanques, arroyos, bosques y praderas de la Reserva Galbreath en esta aventura familiar en español. Con un enfoque en los insectos de la tierra, el aire y el agua, un equipo de expertos modelará formas de alentar el amor natural de sus hijos por la ciencia y el medio ambiente. ¡Al finalizar la caminata estaremos dando tamales!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

harvested acorns on the forest floor

Power of the Acorn

9:00am to 1:00pm
Galbreath Wildlands Preserve

Native people honor oak woodlands as one of the world’s most life sustaining landscapes. Come walk through the woods of Galbreath Preserve from a Native Pomo perspective, reconnecting to its power and grandeur. We will learn the time-honored skill of sustainable acorn-collecting, and gain insight into oak propagation to help rebuild our forests.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Families hike into the distance in a grassland at Osborn Preserve

Natural History Hikes

10:00am to 2:00pm
Fairfield Osborn Preserve

Take advantage of the healing powers of nature while exploring diverse ecosystems on Sonoma Mountain. SSU Naturalists will lead you on a tour of this university education and research site, and give you insights into the ways we can work together to restore regional landscapes.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A hand writes in a journal on the forest floor

Autumn Writing Walk

9:00am to 12:00pm
Fairfield Osborn Preserve

How can one capture the wonder of the outdoors on the written page? Engage your senses as we take a gentle walk around the preserve, recording focused observations, then creating short nature essays based on the trees, rocks, plants, lizards and mushrooms we come to know. Learn how to articulate your experiences of the natural world in writing!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Hand holding a leaf-nosed bat

Bat Tech

6:30pm to 9:30pm
Fairfield Osborn Preserve

Bats’ voracious appetite for insects make them a major biological influence, yet we lack even basic information about them in California oak woodlands. Gain knowledge and skills to further citizen scientist bat research, and learn how technology is used to identify, track and protect bats from threats like wind turbines and White Nose Syndrome.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Several naturalist trainees listen to a leader in a sunny field

Fall Community Naturalist Program

10:00am to 4:00pm
Fairfield Osborn Preserve

Learn nature’s secrets and how to share them with others during this 4-day training. You will explore the stunning landscapes of Sonoma Mountain with university faculty and other experts, and practice sharing your new knowledge as you lead tours of SSU's Osborn Preserve. Join a community working to eradicate Nature Deficit Disorder in the North Bay!
