Search Projects

chart and map of bee sites at Galbreath Preserve

Exploring the life history traits of wild, unmanaged honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies at the Galbreath Wildlands Preserve in Mendocino County, CA

2021 - 2028
Faculty: N/A
Partners: Apis Arborea, Juliana Rangel - Professor of Entomology at Texas A&M University


black out leaves and flowers emerging

Survey of Quercus kelloggii at Pepperwood Preserve

Spring 2020
Faculty: Lisa Bentley
Partners: McNairs Scholar Program and RSCAP

Reimplement Traditional Ecological Knowledge to nurture specimen black oaks at Pepperwood Preserve at the discretion of the Native Advisory Council, educate about biodiversity's link to cultural practices and inform interactions between native peoples & land management organizations.

diagram of pool indicating traps

Understanding the Sex Based Migrational Patterns of the California Tiger Salamander (CTS)

Spring 2022
Faculty: Derek Girman
Partners: Sonoma Water, US Fish & Wildlife Service


map of tropical cyclones in North Atlantic basin 1966-2020

The Extremely Active 2020 Hurricane Season in the North Atlantic and its Relation to Climate Variability and Change

Spring 2022
Faculty: José Javier Hernández Ayala
Partners: NOAA, Climate Research Center GEP
graphs showing resistivity sections

Groundwater Storage and Recharge Distribution of a Subalpine Meadow in the Sierra Nevada, CA

Spring 2022
Faculty: Robin Glas, Zeno Levy, Matty Mookerjee, Rachel Hutchinson
Partners: USGS, South Yuba River Citizens League


360 photo of creek and tree

Interpretive Photospheres for Environmental Inquiry on SSU Campus

Spring 2022
Faculty: Mark Gondree
Partners: Sonoma Mountain Connection



Water and Land Use Planning Integration

Spring 2022
Faculty: Kevin Fang
Partners: Sonoma Water
photos with metadata of trash in creeks

Water Resources and Facilities for People Experiencing Homelessness

Spring 2022
Faculty: Chris Halle
Partners: Sonoma Water
map with title Rising Waters

Using Freeware to Map Water Resources for People Experiencing Homelessness

Spring 2022
Faculty: Mark Gondree
Partners: Sonoma Water
