Five faculty in five departments were awarded WATERS funds to engage their students in water-related projects this semester.
Events and Workshops Spring 2018: Sign up for spring events at the Osborn and Galbreath Preserves.
January News: Read about the benefits of an outdoor education and how we are creating an environmentally ready society.
An informational tour of the Copeland Creek watershed was hosted by the WATERS Coordinator Claudia Luke and Sonoma County Water Agency to discuss water, land, and Copeland Creek flooding challenges.
Our 2017 annual report highlights how we work with students and all our partners to solve real-world environmental challenges.
December News: Learn about fires, waters, awards & public hikes.
SSU preserve lands were spared during the North Bay fires, although our smallest preserve, Los Guillicos, suffered intensive damage from fire fighting activities.
Seven faculty in five departments were awarded WATERS funding to engage their students in water-related projects this semester.
WATERS collaborated with the School of Science & Technology, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Experiences (SOURCE), and others to host a campus wide symposium that celebrated the achievements of SSU students engaged in inquiry.
The State Water Resources and Control Board has awarded a $2.3 million grant to help university students take a bigger role in improving water management and efficiency in California’s disadvantaged communities.