Effects of land use on water quality
Macroinvertebrate, bacterial and water quality studies of Copeland Creek
Steelhead habitat quality studies
Phan et al 2016: We investigated the levels of fine sediment at two locations in Sonoma Creek, to assess habitat suitability for s
Effects of fungi on soil fertility
To assess the effectiveness of alternative fertilizers, we compared the growth rate of Solidago californica in soil treated with three different fertilizer types.
Control of yellow star thistle
Studies guiding the control of yellow star thistle (Centaurea solstitialis) at the Fairfield Osborn Preserve.
Electromagnetic properties of diseased oaks
Multiple studies to investigate the presence and effect of sudden oak death in local habitats.
Effects of oak disease on wildfire burn severity
Evaulation of the relationship between sudden oak death severity and wildfire intensity in the 2017 Atlas/Nuns/Tubbs Fire complex.
Drone support for environmental studies
As one of the only certified Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) pilots on campus, I aid other SSU researchers in applying drone imaging to the study of landscape and ecological projects.
Copeland Creek flood analysis
Copeland Creek can jump its banks, depositing sediments where the creek empties onto the Santa Rosa plain. Flood modeling and field studies help agencies and community groups design solutions.
Envisioning a sustainable and resilient campus
We held a visioning charrette (brainstorming with intent) with 100 students to visualize the future of Sonoma State in the areas of sustainable infrastructure, natural systems, community engagement, and academic experience.
Weathering and landslide susceptibility in the Copeland Creek watershed
The upper watershed of Copeland Creek is known for its landslides, slumps and debris flows. We evaluated sites on SSU Fairfield Osborn Preserve to determine how slope stability is correlated with rock type, and degree of weathering and vegetation.